The portion of the call for submissions that calls for erotica and pornography has gotten a lot of attention. Allow me to clarify about this:
These are not intended as a means of shocking or grabbing attention or a means of alienating. These are optional media that will be treated equally with all other media options. They are certainly not the only options, the same as poetry or non-fiction are not the only options. But, they are welcome. They are welcome because I intend this magazine to have an ethos of inclusion. The magazine was created as sort of a reaction to Fugue, the established literary magazine on the University of Idaho campus (Poigod is not affiliated with or supported by the U of I), which excludes undergraduate submissions. I felt that there needed to be a magazine where undergrads were included-- this became an overall theme behind the founding of the magazine. Everyone, even beyond the University of Idaho, is invited to submit content, and all varieties of publishable media will be treated equally-- just like all submitters will be treated equally.
That being said, the equal treatment all media and pieces will receive is blind review and editorial critique. The editors of the magazine look for and expect purpose, thought, statement, style, taste, responsibility, ethics, creativity, originality, and more from all pieces and reserve the right to deny any piece for any reason.
I understand that people may be concerned about their fine poem being published next to a smutty photo. I want to assure you that we're not interested in pieces that are solely smut, but rather are tasteful, artful, thoughtful, and purposeful art that may be erotic. Erotic media can be artful, and I think it only responsible and intelligent to face that.
I'm open to questions and discussion about this. Feel free to email me about anything at .
Emily from Poigod
It sounds like Poigod will be in the tradition of such great literary magazines as Evergreen Review and Big Table.